# ==== MISC
diff -w [file1] [file2] > [diffFile]
open -a [application] [file]
echo -e "first_line \n second_line" (with -e);
ssh -v [username]@[firewall] -t ssh [username]@[internal]
sshfs [username]@hostname:[path_to_remote_dir] [path_to_local_dir]
screen -S [name_of_background_screen];
control-a-d (escape screen mode);
control-a-[ (enable scrollback mode)
curl "[url_address]" (linux's wget dude)
echo "hello, world!" | tee path_to_file ('tee' command to pipe standard output to somewhere)
iconv -f original_encoding -t new_encoding original_file > new_file (change charset)
file -I <filename> (know encoding)
nmap -n -sP (ping for several hosts)
top -d [number_of_seconds] (check processes passing delay)
awk '{print FNR "\t" $0}' path_to_file.txt | open -f (add pseudo linenumbers into TextEdit; use opt+drag for text selection)
# ==== HOTKEYS
^+A: go to beginning of line
^+E: go to end of line
^+U: clean up entire line
^+y: recall the deleted command
^+K: delete forward cursor position
^+W: delete backward cursor position
^+C: cancel command
^+L: clear entire prompt
^+R: search on history; type again to run through history
# ==== Sun Grid Engine essentials
qdel pid; -u username
qstat -f; -explain; -j; -j jobid; -F [attributes]
qhost -j
Fast symbols with option button + keys on Mac:
opt + 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0 --> ¡,™,£,¢,∞,§,¶,≤,•,ª,º
opt + q,w,e,r,t,y,u,i,o,p --> œ,∑,´,®,≤,†,¥,¨,ˆ,ø,π
opt + a,s,d,f,g,h,j,k,l --> å,ß,∂,≤,ƒ,≤,©,≤,˙,∆,˚,¬
opt + z,x,c,v,b,n,m --> Ω,≈,ç,√,∫,˜,µ
opt + = --> ≠
opt + [, ], \ --> “,‘,«
opt + ;, ' --> …,Æ
opt + , ,. ,/ --> ≤,≥,÷-
opt + shift + [key] --> several
opt + shift + k -->
opt + shift + 2 --> €
opt + shift + 8 --> °
opt + shift + v --> ◊
to read file and output as audio:
say -f file.txt -o output_file.aiff -r <rate_in_words_per_minute> -v [alex, bruce, luciana, etc]
. Then update with source ~/.zshrc
exists, the quick way to get things working as before is to create a .zshenv
and pull back current settings with echo source ~/.bash_profile > ~/.zshenv && source ~/.zshenv
; see here.
for i in *; do sips -s format X $i --out $i.Y; done
brew install imagemagick; magick convert A.jpg A.png
zip -er file.zip folder_to_zip/
Jekyll is a good backend for building static sites. However, in the new Apple’s M1 chips, some problems with architecture are alleged.
A workaround to have Jekyll working on these machines is:
. Follow these steps.zshenv
(the .gem executable is required) to have:
export PATH="/opt/homebrew/opt/ruby/bin:$PATH"
export PATH="$HOME/.gem/ruby/3.1.0/bin:$PATH"
and check if ruby -v
points to the ruby version installed from brew
, bundler
and webrick
(necessário) localmente:
gem install --user-install bundler, jekyll, webrick
with brew install ffmpeg
ffmpeg -i in.m4a -codec:a libmp3lame -qscale:a 1 out.mp3
with brew install qpdf
qpdf --decrypt in.pdf out.pdf
brew install xpdf
pdftotext -enc UTF-8 in.pdf out.txt
because of poppler